A single red brick

It was not a block,
Or a wall that was too tall to climb,
Nor too sturdy to push,
But a single brick on a vast grassy plain,

An object that is out of place,
Yet no words worth to let out,
No feelings worth to let go,
Not a single drop of emotions to let loose,

A single brick on a vast grassy plain,
Out of nowhere and unknown,
Like an itch waiting to be scratched,
Like an ick wanting to explode,

What can it do?
What can I do?
Can it move?
Or let it be?

I am on a vast grassy plain,
With kind windy breeze,
In front of a single red brick,
Occupying my state of mind.

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One thought on “A single red brick

  1. Nice to meet you friend again my news site is closed so i re-opened yesterday I re-subscribe to your site and go… 🥹Then I hope you have a peaceful and happy day today☀️


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