Ally’s Thoughts: When We Reach The Inevitable Crossroad

Photo by Cherene Pearl on

Hi friends and readers,

How are you? I’ve been thinking a lot and I think I want to share this piece of thought of mine. In hope that I will find clarity if it is relatable to you. Also, in hope to open new opportunities in any way possible.

I feel that my life has reached a point, like a crossroad that I can’t cross yet. I’m standing across a junction where I can see different paths yet I’m clueless as to which one I should take to get to my destination. When I looked back, I saw all the previous roads I took and all the effort to get here. I saw all the things I’ve tried and how I managed to get here. Regardless, it’s either the easiest or the hardest path. Some efforts bear fruit and some are just weeds.

I understand that sometimes we have to go through a lot of trial and error. Not everyone has the privilege of getting things right the first time. I believe what would help would be the support and the information that we all have at the time. I feel I am not well informed on my next destination. I’m not lost but clueless with the options and opportunities that I can get to help me decide. I’ve tried different things yet I don’t feel I’m getting closer to doing the things that would help me to achieve my goals.

At this point, I really know what I want to achieve. However, I still need to have a good base resource to support me and that’s what I’ve been testing this whole time. In order to support in achieving what I want but I feel that I’m not even close. I feel like I’m lacking the right connection and information to proceed.

I’ve been too long standing in this crossroad and I’m starting to get impatient. I want to be on the other side. I do not want to stay here. I need to find the right circle, resources and direction to proceed. In a different perspective, I feel like a game character that is unable to proceed to the next level because I still lack certain prerequisite requirements. I’ve been really patient standing here and trying to get everything done before crossing to the next destination.

I don’t know how to explain the confidence that I have right now. I really feel that there is something missing and I need to get it to reach the next level. I’m also foreseeing the next level will be a destination that I’ve never experienced before. A different world that requires me to give my all to succeed. I feel like a Pokémon ready to evolve.

If you experienced the same or can relate to my situation right now. Do share below. I like to hear some thoughts and insights.

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Live well friends and readers!

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